# JavaScript Module Systems Understanding

*** Never forget I failed on interview with this question !!! ***

# Main types:

  1. CommonJS:
  • implemented by NodeJS
  • used for server side when you have modules installed
  • no tree shaking (because when you import, you get an object)
  • import (require), export (module.exports)
  • you always got a copy of an object, no live changes in module itself
  1. AMD (Async Module Definition)
  • implemented by require.js
  • used for client side when you dynamically loading of modules
  • import via require
  1. UMD (Universal Module Definition)
  • combination of CommonJS + AMD
  • can be used for both CommonJS or AMD environment
  • capable of working on both client and server side
  1. Harmony (ES6)
  • utilized for both client & server side
  • using import & export syntax
  • able to tree shake
  • static analyzing: can determine imports and exports at compile time
  • support for live changes in module itself

# General module bundler:

  1. webpack:
    • bundle/package up js files for usage in a browser
    • uses CommonJS module system
    • features: code splitting, async loading & tree shaking
  2. rollup:
    • complies small pieces of JavaScript code into something larger, eg: library or application
    • uses ES6 module system
    • features: support tree shaking, but not async loading

Tips: Babel: is a transpiler (just transpile, never bundle code)

Suggestion: using rollup for building library, using webpack for building application

# Tree shaking in Webpack

!! Please read this article !!!!

Basic configuration for webpack tree shaking:

  // Base Webpack Config for Tree Shaking
  const config = {
    mode: 'production',
    optimization: {
      usedExports: true,
      minimizer: [
      new TerserPlugin({...})

At the end, how to create your own library, here is a better reference