# React Lifecycle Methods

React lifecycle methods can be categorized as:

  • Mounting: constructor -> getDerivedStateFromProps -> render -> componentDidMount
  • Updating: shouldComponentUpdate -> getDerivedStateFromProps -> getSnapshotBeforeUpdate -> componentDidUpdate
  • Unmounting: componentWillUnmount

# Details of lifecycle methods:

constructor: always run first, usually where to set the state and get the props (if component has parent component)

getDerivedStateFromProps: will get called by following situations:

  • component is initialized
  • receiving new props whether they are getting changes or not
  • parent component is re-rendered (Only purpose is enabling for updating internal state as results of changes in props)

render: make sure the component is rendered / mounted in the DOM properly

componentDidMount: after component has rendered (mounted), usually for API call (eg: fetch data)

shouldComponentUpdate: is for developer to control for whether trigger re-rendering component or not

componentDidUpdate: It has 2 arguments (prevPropsprevState) to compare with current state or props and it normally get triggered when calling this.setState({...props}) (eg: if previous state is different from current state, then trigger data re-fetch)

getSnapshotBeforeUpdate: this method gets called before virtual DOM starts to update the DOM based on state change

componentWillUnmount: for unmount a component for avoiding memory leak issue